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Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac, 435 hp, 7-ton NonstopBunker and rubber tracks to ensure good protection against ground compaction.
Varitron 470 Platinum Terra Trac
GRIMME presents the second generation, the VARITRON 470 Platinum boasting 435 HP with rubber tracks and 7-ton NonstopBunker as standard.
Wizzo Vinegar
Wizzo Vinegar is a potato chips brand of BEPPCO.
Biosens Sensor Spear transmits temperature and RH wireless from your potatoes to your phone
Sensor Spears
Biosens Sensor Spears transmit temperature and relative humidity wireless from your potatoes to your phone

Grimme - Toppa Haulm Toppers
Grimme - Toppa Haulm Toppers
TOPPA is GRIMME's new range of haulm topper which comes in 5 different types that can crushed from 2 to 8 rows
Beirut Erbil for Potato Products Company (B.E.P.P CO), Win - Vinegar Flavor Potato Chips
Vinegar Flavor Potato Chips
Win is a Potato Chips brand of BEPPCO. It provides Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips.
Incomec - Pellex C+ Processor
Pellex C+ Processor
The Pellex C+ processor can produce a large variety of healthy snacks including potato popped chips, non-fried tortilla chips, popped chips with inclusions and ancient grain popped chips, all in a single operation without further treatment.
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FoodeQ Metal Detection Belt Conveyor
Metal Detection Belt Conveyor
The belt conveyor is equipped with a metal detection system that prevents that harmful metal parts enter the food chain.
Beirut Erbil for Potato Products Company (B.E.P.P CO), Win - Lemon Flavor Potato Chips
Lemon Flavor Potato Chips
Win is a Potato Chips brand of BEPPCO. It provides Lemon Flavored Potato Chips.
Microfreeze Inline Freezing Monitoring
Microfreeze Inline Freezing Monitoring
The Microfreeze® is used to evaluate the level of frozenness (LOF) of large blocks of food products (e.g. blocks of meat) or layers of products (e.g. French fries).


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