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Breakfast cereals Line
The breakfast cereal machine processes ready-to-eat breakfast cereals in a variety of shapes and recipes using corn flour, wheat flour, oats, barley, etc. as its raw material.
Screw Type Cooler
The Screw Type Cooler cools the product down to the desired temperature to avoid retro-gradation at an adjustable rate depending on the process specifications.
Peeler/Scrubber/Washer – 2920/2922
Vanmark’s Peeler/Scrubber/Washers integrate the washing and peeling of a variety of products into one machine effectively and efficiently.
Cleaning rollers and belts
Tolsma-Grisnich offers various solutions for cleaning the products to be processed. Grading and processing of clean products leads to higher efficiency and accuracy.
Specialty Fryer
This adjustable system, involving oil temperature and flow, allows you to fry the product according to your required specifications.
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Product Pump
The stainless steel product pump has been specially developed for the potato and vegetable industry and ensures an improved efficiency of your production process and less product damage.
Climate Units
The new climate units ensure an optimal climate in every phase of storage. Ventilating, cooling and drying while maintaining product quality.
Receiving Bins
Idaho Steel Receiving Bins helps in receiving the produce directly from a field harvest truck and the entire process from raw material to finished product begins.
Surge Hopper / Elevating Conveyor
CMP Manufactures several styles of dry and wet surge hoppers used to add a surge buffer and meter products in various process area.
Sanitary Augers
Balancing equipment safety with ease of sanitation is a specific challenge with any auger conveyance system.
Weighing Machine 4014XB1
The Newtec Weighing Machine 4014XB1 is designed for accurate, very high speed for large and extra large products such as potatoes, carrots, onions, citrus and similar products.
Weighing Machine 4015B2
The Newtec Weighing Machine 4015B2 is designed for accurate, high speed for smaller products such as potatoes, carrots, onions, citrus, and other similar vegetables and fruits.
CF/VRM Multipass Freezer
FPS CF Continuous Flow Multipass™ Freezer line has been developed for a range of cooling and freezing requirements.
Fall Breaker
The Tolsma-Grisnich retractable fall breaker (folding chute) is a unique and proven concept for filling lorries, bunkers, boxes and big bags without damaging the product.
Modified Potato Starch E1420 (Sausages)
Siddharth Starch is supplying modified potato starch (E1420).
Vertical Auger
Vertical Auger is designed to vertically transport and remove rocks from potatoes and other root vegetables. The machine consists of an infeed hopper partially filled with water and a vertical auger.