See Elea's award-winning Smoothcut One PEF-system at Anuga FoodTec

See Elea's award-winning Smoothcut One PEF-system at Anuga FoodTec

Elea's compact all-in-one SmoothCut™One Pulsed Electric Field System with the Silver International FoodTec Award 2018 for Innovation.

March 03, 2018

Pulsed Electric Field Specialist Elea invites you to the Anuga FoodTec to discuss and taste for yourself what its award winning compact all-in-one SmoothCut™One PEF system can do - whether it is in potato processing, the production of vegetable chips or (freeze-)dried fruit snacks or beyond.

The SmoothCut™One is the latest addition to Elea product line-up. Its small footprint and compact design results from the integration of the pulse generator, treatment belt and bath in one single unit, making the SmoothCut™One the perfect fit for the smaller production line.

Elea received the Silver International FoodTec Award 2018 for Innovation for this all-in-one SmoothCut™One PEF System.

Elea invites you to its booth at the Anuga FoodTec 2018, held in Cologne, Germany later this month (March 20 -23).

Elea's specialists are looking forward to discuss the enhancements your processes and products can achieve with Elea PEF technology and how a pulsed electric field systems can be implemented in your processing line.

Furthermore, have a drink, try the sweet potato chips, freeze dried strawberries and other PEF enhanced goodies!

You can find Elea at the Anuga FoodTec in Hall 4.2, Booth B088.

E-Mail to to make an appointment in advance to guarantee the best possible advice.

Potato Processing / French Fries

Potato Processing

Potato Processing

Treating potatoes with pulsed electric fields - instead of heating them for a long time in a preheater - leads to vast processing and quality improvements.

Most importantly, the cut is smoother (reduced feathering) leading to less breakage, while energy use is reduced.

Potato or Veggie chips

Veggie chips

Veggie chips

Whether you are producing potato chips or vegetable chips, pulsed electric field systems affect the snack production over the whole line.

Discuss how the benefits of greater yield, energy and water savings, less oil uptake and outstanding colour can be added to your snacks and production line as well.

Dried Fruits

Dried Fruits

Dried Fruits

Experience the crunch and flavour of PEF treated dried fruit snacks such as strawberries.

With pulsed electric fields the quality of dried fruit products can be enhanced as well as all the natural flavour being preserved.

Various drying methods can benefit from a PEF pre-treatment, talk directly to our drying experts at the booth.

Beyond: PEF Smoothies

PEF Smoothies

PEF Smoothies

Taste the PEF effect! Full flavour and nutritional value plus amazing colour and long shelf life – all of that in one bottle.

Pulsed electric fields enable you to exploit to the maximum of your raw product, both in yield and quality.

Elea offers 11 different smoothies on the booth, so go visit and have a sip.

Beyond: Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee

Cold Brew Coffee

Ever tasted a full flavour cold brew coffee? Give it a try at the Elea booth.

Pulsed Electric Field treatment makes it gently stable and preserves all the good and intense coffee flavour.

And served in a glass bottle this premium product is given the presentation it deserves.
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