SwitchBack by Heat and Control
Choosing the right accumulation system for your production line
Accumulation systems let your processing line run without interruption, while delivering the steady flow of product your packaging equipment needs for peak efficiency. Like a traffic cop at a busy intersection, accumulation systems keep your product moving without delay or damage.
But with a range of different accumulation systems available, which is the right one?
Heat and Control build a variety of accumulators for different foods and storage requirements. Each design prevents product damage, simplifies sanitation and maintenance, and works in harmony with existing equipment.
For dry, delicate products, fresh, frozen, and coated foods, Heat and Control accumulation systems reduce waste and downtime.
Below you can find the different types of systems available. We have highlighted some of the criteria that can help you choose which system is the right one for your application.
SwitchBack™ Accumulation Conveyor
SwitchBack™ Accumulation Conveyor: Compact, gentle and easy to clean
Gentle horizontal motion conveying and unique sloped pan configurations prevent product damage by eliminating abrupt drops and stops.
Composed of two independent FastBack® conveyors, SwitchBack automatically stores product in the lower unit while conveying product in the opposite direction in the upper feed conveyor. Available for capacities of 0.85 or 1.25 cu. metres (30 or 45 cubic feet) the system requires less floor space than comparable accumulation conveyors.
This patented design requires no photoeyes, product detection devices, gates or trolleys, making it ideal for reliable operation in wet wash down environments. Gentle FastBack horizontal motion conveying prevents the loss and build-up of product coatings in the conveyor pans and eliminates the need for mid-shift cleaning downtime.
SwitchBack can handle everything from frozen breaded meat patties to delicate potato chips. Built for heavy loads of up to 1.25 cubic metres, SwitchBack features a sanitary U-shaped pan and gentle horizontal conveying motion to prevent abrupt product drops and damage.
Key Properties
- Capacity: 0.85 or 1.25 cubic metres
- Product applications: Snacks, baked foods, breaded and frozen product
Cascading Conveyors
Heat and Control Cascading Conveyors
Accumulate large quantities in a series of inline horizontal motion conveyors that can cover long distances using minimal floor space.
Then meter a steady flow of product, or quickly move large volumes to your distribution system.
Key Properties
- Capacity: 0.25 to 4.5 cubic metres
- Product applications: Snacks, baked foods, breaded and frozen product
Heat and Control MinuteMan
Choose models from 2.5 or 5 cubic metres of storage. Fill and discharge rates are synchronised for on-demand product delivery.
Reliable live bottom belt and retracting overhead feed conveyors have no drive components located over the product zone.
Key Properties
- Capacity: 2.5 and 5 cubic metres
- Product applications: Snacks, cookies, crackers, candy
Automatic Belt Conveyor
Automatic Belt Conveyor
Synchronised variable fill and discharge rates combined with gentle product handling make this an efficient buffer between processing and packaging line.
Key Properties
- Capacity: 45 cubic metres
- Product applications: Snacks, cereal, baked foods, candy
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