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Duynie Group


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The company has transitioned to operate solely under Duynie and is no longer active as an individual entity.

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Company Description

Duynie Group is Europe’s largest company active in the valorisation of co-products released in the food, beverage and biofuel industry. By processing co-products into new products, services and applications, Duynie Group creates new value for suppliers, customers and the environment.

Duynie Group consists of more than 15 locations in Europe, over 375 employees, 4 business units and a worldwide sales network supplying to fermentation, feed, technical, pet food and food companies. Duynie Group is part of the agro-industrial cooperative Royal Cosun.

Product Types offered by this company

News for this Company

The new Duynie logo
September 30, 2024

One Duynie brand exceeds the sum of its parts

As of October 1, 2024 there will be one Duynie brand. To further support the company's co-product partners and customers in achieving ambitious sustainability goals, this unified brand exceeds the sum of its parts.
Sustainable cooperation in Brabant's potato processing industry
December 27, 2023

Joint project by the potato processing industry in Brabant (the Netherlands) focused on sustainability

Agristo, Peka Kroef, Lamb Weston and Duynie have teamed up to create a groundbreaking partnership with a view to sustainability and ecological awareness.
Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun
February 14, 2023

Royal Cosun: Significant upturn of results in turbulent 2022 Dirk de Lugt, Chairman of the Board of Royal Cosun

At Aviko, sales in frozen and chilled potato products grew strongly, partly due to the recovering foodservice market. The new Aviko factory in Poperinge in Belgium, which opened last year, and Aviko’s operations in China are contributing to this growth.
The benefits of potato ingredients in pet food.
October 19, 2022

The benefits of potato ingredients in pet food

Duynie Ingredients is part of Duynie Group. Europe’s largest company active in the valorisation of co-products. Within Duynie Group, they have more than 50 years of experience in taking care of potato products.

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