AHDB and GB Potatoes agree on use of residual potato levy reserves to fund seven industry projects

AHDB and GB Potatoes agree on use of residual potato levy reserves to fund seven industry projects

AHDB and GB Potatoes agree on use of residual potato levy reserves to fund seven industry projects

November 22, 2024

The potatoes sector is to benefit from the delivery of seven industry projects funded by residual levy reserves, after a grant agreement was signed between AHDB and GB Potatoes. 

The recommendation, made by AHDB's board earlier this year, received official approval following the wind-down of levy payer activities within the sector and has been supported by the main potato membership organisations. 

Scott Walker, Chief Executive of GB Potatoes:

"Following the wind-up of AHDB Potatoes, the sector has continued to face a number of serious challenges, including threats from disease and the ongoing issue of access to necessary plant protection products."

"This grant will kickstart new initiatives and galvanise existing projects that have previously operated on an annual, uncertain basis. It offers a foundation to transform key industry projects and develop a sustainable, industry-funded model for initiatives that are critical to the future of the potato sector."

"It is a fantastic opportunity for the potato industry to now take control of its future and influence the direction of the sector by addressing industry obstacles and building resilience."

Graham Wilkinson, CEO of AHDB:

"The potato sector is a vital part of UK agriculture, and we are pleased to be able to support growers and the wider industry by releasing these residual funds for projects that will significantly contribute to the industry’s success."

The seven proposed projects are:

  • Potato Blight Project – addressing the significant threat of potato blight, by monitoring genetic changes and fungicide sensitivity.
  • Aphid-Monitoring Project – supports national aphid monitoring, providing industry-wide data for decision-making.
  • Management Tools to Tackle Viruses Project – this project proposes joining Horticulture Crop Protection (HCP) on behalf of the seed sector in order to access essential functions for sustaining high-grade seed production.
  • Reputational Management Project – safeguarding the industry's reputation through strategic monitoring, proactive crisis management, centralised coordination, influencer engagement, and media outreach.
  • Bridging Information Gap Project – provision of transparent and reliable data on potato cultivation, varieties, and national yield.

The funding will be transferred from the circa GBP 1.8m (USD 2.25m) of potato reserves held by AHDB since the winding down of levy payer activities, GBP 400,000 (USD 500,000) of which is set aside to cover any potential residual liabilities. 

The grant will be tapered over three to five years, reducing each year as GB Potatoes increases its flow of voluntary industry funding. Over the first three years, it will comprise GBP 1,371,880 (USD 1,714,850).

The grant for years four and five could total GBP 426,238 (USD 532,798), but this would depend on a successful review and the availability of sufficient potato funds from funds aside from residual liabilities. 

The National Farmers' Union (NFU), NFU Scotland, NFU Cymru, the British Potato Trade Association, the Fresh Potato Supplier Association, and the Potato Processors' Association all sent letters of support for funding the seven projects.

Scott Walker:

"This is a monumental step for our sector, unlocking vital funds that will drive forward critical industry projects. These funds are earmarked for seven specific projects that will benefit the entire potato industry."

"Our sector has faced numerous challenges, from disease threats to difficulties accessing vital plant protection products. This grant is a game-changer, providing stability and allowing us to initiate new projects."

"GB Potatoes still relies on the support of our members. Growing our membership is essential for building the momentum needed to advocate for our sector.."

"This grant is more than financial support; it’s the foundation for a sustainable, industry-funded model. It’s our opportunity to take control, tackle obstacles, and build resilience for a thriving future."

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