Potato Variety Information

Variety Name: JacksonRights Holder | Breeder: Country of Origin: United Kingdom United KingdomYear of of introduction: 2010

Variety Description

The Jackson potato variety is a type of potato known for its excellent flavor and versatility in cooking. It's a mid-season variety, meaning it typically matures around midsummer. They have a creamy flesh and are often used in dishes like mashed potatoes, potato salads, and gratins. 

Jackson potatoes are often prized for their smooth texture and ability to hold their shape well when cooked, making them suitable for various culinary applications such as boiling, baking, frying, and roasting.

  • Size: Jackson potatoes generally produce medium to large-sized tubers, although sizes can vary depending on growing conditions. 
  • Shape: Tubers are typically oval or oblong, occasionally with a slightly rounded shape. 
  • Skin Color: The skin of Jackson potatoes is usually light brown to tan, with occasional patches or speckles of darker pigmentation. 
  • Flesh Color: The flesh is creamy-white to yellowish in color, with a smooth texture. 
  • Eye Depth: The eyes (buds) of Jackson potatoes tend to be shallow, making them easier to peel. 
  • Cooking Quality: Jackson potatoes are prized for their excellent culinary qualities. They have a rich, earthy flavor and a smooth, creamy texture when cooked. They hold their shape well, making them suitable for a wide range of cooking methods, including boiling, baking, frying, and roasting. 
  • Yield: The variety typically produces high yields of tubers per plant, contributing to its popularity among commercial growers.
  • Maturity and Storage: Jackson potatoes are considered a mid-season variety, usually maturing around midsummer. They have good storage qualities, allowing them to be stored for several months under proper conditions without significant loss of quality. Proper storage conditions include cool temperatures and high humidity to prevent sprouting and dehydration.
  • Disease Resistance: While specific disease resistance may vary depending on the strain and growing conditions, Jackson potatoes are generally known for their good resistance to common potato diseases such as late blight (Phytophthora infestans) and potato scab (Streptomyces scabies).

Companies Offering this Variety

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