Features & Specifications
- The bin size and the desired filling level are adjustable and can be configured without making any mechanical adjustments
- The filling pattern minimizes the cone-shaped filling pattern and ensures an evenly filled bin without damaging the product
- Several options with regards to drop breaking are available
- Available in Mobile, Stationary Duo and Vertical versions
- The Vertical Bin Filler fills the bin up vertically instead of dropping the product to guarantee gentle product handling
- Capacity: Mobile & Stationary Bin Filler 60 MT/hour | Vertical Bin Filler 5 – 25 MT/hour
- Integration: Needs to be electrically connected to a control panel | Integratable in total installations | Weighing platforms to fill bins at set weight | Eqontrol compatible

Eqraft Bin Filler Channel

Eqraft Bin Filler Drop Break