The World Potato Congress is very excited to announce its first webinar of 2022. In preparation for the World Potato Congress being held from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Dublin, Ireland, Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation will present this webinar on January 12, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard time (USA/Canada).
Presentation Outline
The presentation will answer the question 'Why host a World Potato Congress in Ireland' and will briefly explore the unique relationship that exists between Ireland and the potato, the infamous arrival of Phytophthora infestans in the mid 1800's and the consequent legacy effect on the social history not just of Ireland but of many other countries.
WPC programme structure and content will be highlighted, including pillar topics, keynote speakers, industry and technical tour options.
To conclude the presentation, Liam will be joined by Kasia Mahony, Project Manager, Keynote PCO (our Professional Conference Organising Partner) who will cover the 'one click' Congress registration process, excursion options and the very latest on Covid-19 safety precautions to be adopted at WPC 2022.

Liam Glennon, Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee, Irish Potato Federation.
After twenty years in the Irish public service, he joined the private sector as a Purchasing/Sales Executive with Sam Dennigan and Company UC, a global fresh produce company.
In the private sector, he also served as President of the Irish Potato Federation (IPF) for twelve years, chaired the Irish Organising Committee responsible for hosting the Europatat Congress in Killarney in 2005 and also the UN International Year of the Potato Committee in Ireland in 2008.
Liam first came into contact with World Potato Congress Inc. in 1997, when he was asked to give a presentation on Ireland and the Potato at the World Potato Congress in Durban, South Africa.
Twenty five years later, the connection remains as he is currently Chairperson of the Local Organising Committee for the 11th World Potato Congress to be held in Ireland.
Webinar Registration
How to register for the webinar:
When: January 12, 2022, at 9:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). The following is the registration link:
Following registration for this webinar, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Upcoming World Potato Congress Webinars
The World Potato Congress is pleased to announce the following presenters for our upcoming Fall and Winter webinars. Stay tuned for further presentation details for these webinars.
February 2022 - Dr. Denis Griffin, TEAGASC, Ireland
March 2022 - Dr. Denis Griffin, TEAGASC, Ireland or Stephen Kildea, TEAGASC, Ireland
April 2022 - Robert Graveland, HZPC
In case you missed any of our previous webinars, you can view them all on our website at