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Razdolie LLC

Agrico, Leo de Kock and Nedato join forces for ware potatoes.

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Razdol'ie LLC is one of the leading agro-industrial enterprises of Moscow Region and the absolute leader in innovative organic farming. Razdol'ie lands are among the few that have got the EU certificate for organic production with the corresponding document.

Razdol'ie was founded in 2010. The company represents a vertically integrated structure that offers a full range of services on the cultivation, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products.
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News for this Company

Success story of Razdolie LLC (Moscow region)
March 30, 2021

Success story of Razdolie LLC (Moscow region)

The company Razdolie LLC was founded in 2008, but received a new round in development in 2015 with the arrival of a young and progressive management team.