The Smile potato is a distinctive table variety recognized for its unique skin coloration, making it suitable for pre-packing. The Smile potato has garnered interest due to its eye-catching appearance, particularly the bright red skin with a white 'smile' marking around the eyes.
Key Characteristics
- Maturity: Classified as a second early variety.
- Plant Description: Very short plants with red-violet flowers.
- Disease Resistance: Shows resistance to powdery scab but is susceptible to late blight on foliage, splitting, and potato cyst nematodes Globodera rostochiensis Ro1 and Globodera pallida Pa2/3,1.
Tuber Characteristics
- Shape of tuber: Oval Colour of skin Red parti-coloured
- Colour of flesh: Cream
- Depth of eyes: Shallow
- Smoothness of skin: Smooth