Celtiane is a potato variety with a pale yellow flesh and an excellent skin finish.
Plant & Tuber
- Foliage maturity: early to mid-early
- Emergence: moderate
- Plant vigour: moderate
- Tuber shape: long
- Shape uniformity: good
- Eye depth: very shallow
- Skin colour: yellow
- Flesh colour: pale yellow
- Tuber size: small
- Tuber set: high
- Resistance to foliage late blight: moderate
- Resistance to tuber late blight: fairly low
- Resistance to pitted common scab: high
- Resistance to netted common scab: high
- Resistance to pcn g.rostochiensis ( ro1-4): full
- Resistance to g.pallida( pa2-3): null
- Yield: high
- Dry matter content: low
- Disintegration: none
- After cooking darkening: none
- Cooking type: a
- Frying colour at harvest: medium
- Storage ability: fairly good
- Dormancy: medium
- Resistance to external damage: low
- Resistance to internal damage: moderate
- Resistance to internal rust spot: fairly high
- Resistance to desprouting: moderate