Variety Name: AromataRights Holder | Breeder: KWS POTATOCountry of Origin: NetherlandsYear of of introduction: 2014
Variety Description
Aromata is versatile, resistant to AM and wart disease, and does not germinate quickly in storage. The Aromata is, therefore, suitable for the international table market, the peeled market, and seed potato cultivation.
Aromata works well as a table potato because it is tasty, beautifully yellow on the inside, and goes well with a variety of dishes.
Local mayor kicks off potato planting season for PotatoEurope 2021
On the third Thursday of April, the first potatoes for the PotatoEurope harvesting demonstrations were planted under ideal weather conditions. By pressing the start button, acting mayor of Noordoostpolder Jan Westmaas sent autonomous implement carrier Robotti on its way to plant the first potato.