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June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog
juni 16, 2022

June 23: WSU Potato Field Day offers a look at seed and pest studies, virus-sniffing dog

At their 400-acre Othello research farm, Washington State University scientists study seed quality, new varieties, pests, and growing practices to help Northwest potatoes thrive
Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes
mei 28, 2022

Texas A&M AgriLife researchers use CRISPR technology to modify starches in potatoes

Humble potatoes are a rich source not only of dietary carbohydrates for humans, but also of starches for numerous industrial applications. Texas A&M AgriLife scientists are learning how to alter the ratio of potatoes’
‘Super pest’ Colorado potato beetles have the genetic resources to sidestep our insecticides.
februari 21, 2022

Colorado potato beetles have the genetic resources to sidestep our insecticides

The Colorado potato beetle has evolved resistance to more than 50 different kinds of insecticides, making the insect a 'super pest' that wreaks havoc on potatoes around the world.
New seed potato lab will benefit Idaho's spud industry
november 16, 2021

University of Idaho new seed potato lab to open this year.

The University of Idaho is close to opening a new Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory, which is the place where most Idaho potatoes are 'born'.
september 30, 2021

Breeding beetle-resistant potatoes

In a new study, published in Crop Science, researchers describe genetic tools to develop potato varieties with improved natural resistance to the Colorado potato beetle
Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021
september 14, 2021

Aroostook County potato experts expect high quality crop in 2021

Aroostook County agricultural growers are predicting a higher quantity and quality of potato crop than was produced in 2020, due to the less severe weather this summer.
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Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock
augustus 29, 2021

Heat, drought stress Red River Valley potato crop, resulting in quality, yield reduction of table stock

The toll that hot dry weather took on the Red River Valley 2021 potato crop won’t be visible until harvest begins in a few weeks, but it’s already clear it has affected yields and quality.
New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y
augustus 22, 2021

New University of Maine research hub to focus on Potato Virus Y

Greater understanding of the biology of one of the most destructive plant viruses to potato crops will be the focus of a research hub at the University of Maine.
How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides
december 29, 2020

How Colorado Potato Beetles Beat Pesticides

Native to the Rocky Mountains, the Colorado potato beetle has now spread to many parts of the world and quickly overcoming almost every pesticide thrown in its way. A new UVM study sheds light on how these insects become resistant so fast.
Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen
december 29, 2020

Chemical composition of wild potato relative contributes to its resistance to pathogen

In a recent study published in the MPMI journal, scientists from CSU revealed that metabolites from S. chacoense contribute to disease resistance by altering the pathogenic behavior of Pectobacterium brasiliense, rather than inhibiting its growth or killing it.
Potato brown rot bacteria found in Michigan greenhouse
april 27, 2020

Potato brown rot bacteria found in Michigan greenhouse in Geraniums

The United States Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has confirmed the detection of Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 (RSr3b2) in a single variety of geranium plants located in a Michigan greenhouse.
Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks
februari 26, 2020

Potato plants at highest risk of potato virus Y infection during first three weeks

Potato virus Y is the most economically important and devastating aphid-transmitted virus, affecting both tuber yield and quality. The virus is also a major cause of seed potato degeneration, which leads to regular flushing out of seed potatoes.
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WPC Webinar - January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches
januari 13, 2020

World Potato Congress Webinar: January 24, 2020 with Dr. David Douches

The World Potato Congress (WPC) continues with its webinar series in its 2020 on January 24, with a webinar featuring Dr. David Douches of 'Feed the Future – Biotechnology Potato Partnership'
Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application
december 05, 2019

Online tool to detect blackleg disease in potato using DNA testing has widespread application

Scientists have developed a user-friendly online tool called Uniqprimer, which quickly and automatically designs species-specific DNA tags (also known as primers) for detecting pathogens such as Dickeya dianthicola using DNA testing.
Potato infected with late blight (Courtesy: ARS / Scott Bauer)
november 08, 2019

Phytophthora infestans, causing late blight in potatoes, has a virus accomplice

A research team has identified a virus infecting Phytophthora infestans, the pathogen causing late blight in potatoes and tomatoes, that appears to increase the pathogen's ability to cause the disease.
Researchers using advanced imaging to detect blight in potatoes
oktober 14, 2019

Researchers using advanced imaging to detect blight in potatoes

Researchers in the WARF Accelerator program are using advanced imaging technology to detect late blight in potatoes, which famously led to the Irish potato famine in the mid-nineteenth century.
US Potato Growers Asked To Watch For Tuber Moth As Harvest Approaches
oktober 08, 2019

US Potato Growers Asked To Watch For Tuber Moth As Harvest Approaches

Its harvest time for many in the potato industry, and those not quite to that point, harvest will be here before you know it. Washington State University’s Tim Waters said growers need to continue to watch for pests.
NPC scholarship goes to Wisconsin student studying silver scurf disease
september 20, 2019

National Potato Council scholarship goes to Wisconsin student studying silver scurf disease

The National Potato Council (NPC) has named University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Sofia Giron the winner of its annual $10,000 scholarship. Giron is a fourth-year grad student studying plant pathology.


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