Ziektes en gebreken

juli 23, 2013

Argentina desarrolla una papa transgénica resistente a virus de la papa Y (PVY)

Científicos del Conicet lograron desarrollar una variedad de papa transgénica que resiste mejor los ataques del Virus de la Papa Y, patógeno que afecta a mas del 50% de los cultivos y reduce su productividad entre 20 y 80% en los casos más severos.
 Paperos ahorrarían costos con la producción de papa transgénica
juli 22, 2013

Colombia tendrá papa transgénica debido al tizón tardío

De llegar a ser un éxito el proyecto de mejoramiento genético iniciado, los paperos ahorrarían no menos de 75 millones de dólares anuales que gastan en fungicidas para controlar el tizón tardío o gota.
juli 22, 2013

Australian Research: DNA soil testing technology to reduce the impact of potato diseases

A multi-year research project, undertaken for the Australian potato industry, will come to fruition this month, with the launch of the project’s cutting-edge DNA soil testing service, which will help the industry to curb the impact of soil-borne diseases.
Papa atacada por la polilla guatemalteca
juni 28, 2013

Investigadores franceses y ecuatorianos desarrollaron biopesticida para controlar la polilla guatemalteca de la papa

La polilla guatemalteca, llegada hace veinte años de América Central, causa grandes destrozos en los cultivos de papa de Venezuela, Colombia y Ecuador. Sus larvas pueden devorar completamente los tubérculos almacenados.
juni 26, 2013

DuPont: potato tuber moth making headway in Mediterranean basin

Potato Tuber Moth (Phthorimaea operculella) populations are on the increase across southern Europe, particularly around Mediterranean basin, and are likely to lead to significant in-store losses and threaten the trade of infected tubers.
 Oregon State University
juni 05, 2013

Research: Infected volunteer potato plants unlikely to spread zebra chip disease

Volunteer potato plants growing from seed infected with zebra chip are likely too few in number and survive too briefly to contribute to the spread of the crop disease, according to new Oregon State University research findings.
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 Bacterial Ring Rot in potato
mei 21, 2013

UK issues new import measures to prevent the spread of potato ring rot

The UK government has stepped up its efforts to control the potato disease ring rot.
 Irish famine potato specimen from the Kew Garden herbarium
mei 21, 2013

“Whodunnit” of Irish potato famine solved

An international team of scientists reveals that a unique strain of potato blight they call HERB-1 triggered the Irish potato famine of the mid-nineteenth century
 Washington State Potatoes
mei 07, 2013

Washington State Potato Commission helps Potato Growers apply Integrated Pest Management

As the potato growing season begins, The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) will provide free Integrated Pest Management (IPM) supplies for Washington’s potato growers.
 Henk Tepper sues Canadian Government
mei 07, 2013

Potato farmer suing Canadian Government after year in Beirut jail

Henk Tepper, the New Brunswick potato farmer who spent over a year in a Beirut jail cell on allegations he shipped rotten potatoes to Algeria is suing the Canadian government, arguing it didn't protect his Charter rights.
 USDA Aphis
april 25, 2013

State National Harmonization Program (SNHP) for seed potatoes launched

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) today announced the launch of the State National Harmonization Program (SNHP) for seed potatoes.
 Late blight
april 25, 2013

Syngenta potato hotline adds text message Alerts

Syngenta continues partnerships with key universities in Idaho, Michigan, North Dakota, Oregon and Washington to bring late blight hotlines to US potato growers in 2013.
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 Erik Wenninger
april 22, 2013

Potato Psyllids Have Returned to Magic Valley

Potato Psyllids Have Returned to Magic Valley, Idaho Or maybe they just never went away. Psyllids, a tiny insect that can damage potatoes, might be hardier than some people originally thought.
 Potato Psyllid
april 09, 2013

Simple mesh cover could stop potato psyllid

A simple mesh cover could be the answer to halting New Zealand's most devastating tomato and potato pests, the tomato potato psyllid.
 Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero de Chile
april 03, 2013

El Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero de Chile detecta presencia de plaga cuarentenaria de la papa

La existencia de Phoma exigua var. foveata o gangrena de la papa, ya fue informada a los agricultores/as que tienen sus cultivos infectados y a otros productores/as de la región en una reunión informativa realizada por el Ministerio de Agricultura y el...
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Nueva Zelanda: Los psílidos de la papa se convertirán en pasto para las mariquitas

Las mariquitas podrían ser la clave para la salvación de un insecto transmisor de una bacteria para la industria de la papa de Nueva Zelanda.
Scientists work to save the Irish potato in Kabale, Uganda
maart 24, 2013

Scientists work to save the Irish potato in Kabale, Uganda

The potato (Irish) that has fed the people of southwestern Uganda (Kabale) for generations is being threatened by several pests and diseases, including the potato bacterial wilt.
 potato cyst nematode
maart 22, 2013

Trickery and Other Methods Explored To Vanquish Potato Cyst Nematodes

The pale cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, is one bad roundworm. Unchecked, it invades the roots of potato and other host crops to feed, obstructing the free flow of nutrients and causing stunted growth, wilted leaves, and other symptoms that can event...


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