Trends in landbouw en voedsel

Prestatieprijs Avebe naar 96,15 Euro
november 20, 2020

Prestatieprijs aardappelzetmeelfabrikant Avebe naar 96,15 Euro

Aardappelzetmeelfabrikant Royal Avebe heeft over het boekjaar 2019/2020 een prestatieprijs van 96,15 euro behaald. Dat is een fractie onder het recordresultaat – 96,63 euro - van het vorige boekjaar.
HZPC: Great supply of certificates offers opportunities for seed potato growers
november 13, 2020

HZPC: Great supply of certificates offers opportunities for seed potato growers

During the half-yearly trading day of potato breeder HZPC Holding B.V., it appeared that the supply of certificates has increased again. The price of the certificate of share has been set at EUR 118,15.
'No more potatoes for fries needed by the processors? Then we'll cut them ourselves'
november 13, 2020

'No more potatoes for fries needed by the processors? Then we'll cut them ourselves'

The corona crisis dealt a blow to the fries processing industry and that in turn had consequences for the growers who supply the industry.
Online Potato Days HZPC showcase new reality
november 06, 2020

Online Potato Days HZPC Showcase New Reality

The annual Potato Days in Joure are a valued networking event attracting hundreds of growers and customers from many countries.
Agrico shows new potato varieties on online platform
november 04, 2020

Agrico shows new potato varieties on online platform

Today, Agrico will present its new varieties on its new online platform, This platform is also the next step in the digital transformation of the potato cooperative.
PIP Innovations and FoodeQ team up to offer robotic cutting line
november 03, 2020

PIP Innovations and FoodeQ team up to offer robotic cutting line

PIP Innovations, the manufacturer of D-Blade - a robotic produce cutter - partners with FoodeQ, maker of vibratory shakers to accelerate global expansion by offering a tested combination of shakers and robot technology.
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Appreciation of the food and agriculture sector increases, following years of decline
oktober 15, 2020

Appreciation of the food and agriculture sector increases, following years of decline

Public appreciation of the food and agriculture sector is greater in 2020 than it was two years ago. This applies to all sub-sectors, apart from pig farming, which is held in the same esteem as it was in 2018.
oktober 14, 2020

Grote belangstelling voor deelname aan PotatoEurope 2021

Afgelopen week hebben de organisatoren van PotatoEurope 2021 de voorinschrijving voor oud-deelnemers van PotatoEurope geopend en nu al hebben zich een groot aantal deelnemers aangemeld voor de komende editie.
HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result
oktober 06, 2020

HZPC closes eventful year with a healthy result

The 2019/2020 financial year has been eventful in many respects for seed potato supplier HZPC. Despite the consequences of COVID-19, the company has had an operationally successful season. The coming season, however, may well be more of a challenge.
Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'
september 28, 2020

Dirk Garos y Paul O'Connor, de Restrain: 'Nosotros tenemos la mejor alternativa al CIPC, cuya fecha límite se acerca'

El 1 de enero de 2020 se prohibió el uso de CIPC en la Unión Europea. La fecha límite para, entre otras cosas, el almacenamiento de patatas con CIPC se ha fijado en el 8 de octubre de 2020.
Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live
september 28, 2020

Milestone Digital Transformation Agrico: New Website Live

For potato cooperative Agrico 2020/2021 is the season of its digital transformation. The first major milestone in this process is the new website that was launched last week.
Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage
september 21, 2020

Sercom launches Wireless System to control Potato Storage

Early last year, Sercom developed a wireless system, based on radiographic technology, to connect field stations in the horticulture and e.g. potato storage cells up to a distance of 5 kilometres (3 miles) apart.
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Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months
september 18, 2020

Potato Processing equipment specialist Kiremko sells 30 STRATA Invicta® steam peelers in 30 months

Kiremko is proud to announce that they have sold 30 of the best steam peelers on the market in just over 30 months’ time. Made in Europe and the US, supplied globally.
augustus 20, 2020

C. Meijer BV rebranded Meijer Potato

Op 17 augustus 2020 gepresenteerd aardappelveredelaar Meijer Potato haar nieuwe corporate identity en bedrijfsverhaal. De nieuwe corporate identity van Meijer Potato zal zichtbaar worden op alle communicatiemiddelen en locaties.
augustus 19, 2020

PotatoEurope zal worden gehouden op 1 en 2 september 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen University & Research in Lelystad

Wageningen University & Research en DLG Benelux hebben een contract getekend voor het houden van PotatoEurope 2021 op de locatie van Wageningen Plant Research in Lelystad.
Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online
augustus 16, 2020

Jonge Boeren Programma krijgt virtueel vervolg tijdens Aardappeldemodag Online

De eerste editie van het Jonge Boeren Programma tijdens Aardappeldemodag 2018 was een groot succes. Twee jaar na deze speciaal voor jonge boeren georganiseerde bijeenkomst komt er nu een virtueel vervolg.
Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko: Partners for Decades
augustus 03, 2020

Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko: Partners for Decades

Three well-known companies in the potato industry, three identities, one brand. Idaho Steel, Reyco and Kiremko have been strategic partners for decades.
It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…
juli 28, 2020

It’s going to be a potato harvest with plenty of clods…

Throughout last spring we were dealing with historically poor soil structure in Western Europe, with clods as hard as concrete. Will harvests of potato and onion reflect this? The chances of that seem high, so what can you do to keep clods out of your storage?


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