Trends in landbouw en voedsel

januari 05, 2011

Global Food Prices at Record High

Food prices hit a record high last month, surpassing the levels seen during the 2007-08 crisis, the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation said on Wednesday.
maart 26, 2009

Pizza-making machine has chefs in a spin

A vending machine that bakes fresh pizza in minutes for a few euros has got Italian chefs in a whirl before it hits the streets in the coming weeks. The bright-red "Let's Pizza"machine uses infra-red rays and technology developed at the Uni...
december 17, 2007

FAO warns on soaring food prices

The soaring cost of food is threatening millions of people in poor countries, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned. Food prices have risen an unprecedented 40% in the last year and many nations may be unable to cope, ...


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