El CIP trabaja en la ontología de las papas mejoradas como un esfuerzo para unificar la terminología usada en dicho proceso
februari 09, 2015

El CIP trabaja en la ontología de las papas mejoradas como un esfuerzo para unificar la terminología usada en dicho proceso

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el último congreso de la ALAP celebrado en septiembre del 2014 en Bogotá.
Fruit Logistica 2015, North Entrance
februari 08, 2015

Fruit Logistica 2015 attracted a record 65.000 visitors

Fruit Logistica 2015 attracted a record number of 65.000 trade visitors, up from 62.000 in 2014.
France starts major marketing campaign to stimulate potato consumption
februari 08, 2015

France starts major marketing campaign to stimulate potato consumption

In France, a major three year long campaign to promote the consumption of potatoes just started.
APH Group exports potato packing line to Belarus
februari 08, 2015

APH Group exports potato packing line to Belarus

APH Group Engineering recently delivered and installed a big scale line for grading, washing and packing of potatoes to one of her clients in the North-east region of Belarus.
Russet Burbank (Courtesy Idaho Potato Commission)
februari 08, 2015

Large and growing price gap between small and large Russets in Idaho

Idaho is currently confronted with the unusual situation that large Russet potatoes are far more expensive than small Russets and the price gap is only increasing.
Potato farmer Matthew Gay in his seed potato crop near Crookwell. Courtesy: Rohan Thomson The Canberra Times
februari 08, 2015

Summer rain boosts seed potato harvest in New South Wales after years of drought

After a 10-year drought, well above average rainfall in New South Wales (Australia) means a rich seed potato crop for the few farmers left in the Crookwell area.
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Pine forests such as this one south of Park Rapids, Minn., have been cleared for potato fields.
februari 08, 2015

Pines to potatoes conversion in central Minnesota put on hold

Alarmed by rapid deforestation in an ecologically sensitive swath of central Minnesota, state regulators have ordered a broad environmental review that will temporarily halt conversion of the region’s jackpine stands to potato fields.
Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium
februari 05, 2015

Aardappelveredelaar Solynta treedt toe tot BioSolar onderzoeksconsortium

Een nieuwe, revolutionaire methode om nieuwe aardappelrassen te kweken kan een flinke impuls geven aan fotosynthese-onderzoek. Daarom treedt Solynta, de ontwikkelaar van de kweekmethode, toe tot BioSolar Cells
Fruit Logistica 2015 Day 1
februari 04, 2015

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015: Record-breaking figures yet again at the fresh produce industry's leading event

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2015 will be the global fresh produce sector's most significant and comprehensive industry event ever. There will be a total of 2,750 exhibitors from 83 countries – 150 more exhibitors than last year.
Cuba tiene interés en papas provenientes del norte del Ecuador
februari 03, 2015

Cuba tiene interés en papas provenientes del norte del Ecuador

El gobierno quiere importar papas cultivadas en el norte ecuatoriano donde existe gran producción y alta calidad del tubérculo. Para lograrlo buscará establecer acuerdos y determinar las necesidades de consumo de la isla.
National Potato Council applauds new IOM recommendation on white potatoes
februari 03, 2015

National Potato Council applauds new IOM recommendation on white potatoes

Today, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report recommending fresh white potatoes to be an eligible vegetable for purchase using the WIC Cash Value Voucher. This is a reversal compared to previous IOM recommendations
Ron Norman
februari 03, 2015

Ron Norman to Receive NPPGA's Meritorious Service Award

The Northern Plains Potato Growers Association will honor Ron Norman with its Meritorious Service Award at their banquet on February 17th.
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El cultivo de la papa en Argentina
februari 02, 2015

El cultivo de la papa en Argentina

Documento del INTA escrito por Marcelo A. Huarte y Silvia B. Capezio, Docentes Investigadores. Asignatura Cultivo de Papa. Unidad Integrada Balcarce INTA- FCA UNMdP (2014).
Cómo seleccionar variedades de papa involucrando a los actores de la cadena de valor
februari 02, 2015

Cómo seleccionar variedades de papa involucrando a los actores de la cadena de valor

Resumen de la ponencia que sobre el tema se presentó en el XXVI Congreso bienal de la Asociación Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP), celebrado en septiembre del 2014 en Bogotá.
Impression Europatat Congress 2014: Joeri Van Den Berghe showing how to succesfully brand to the young generations
februari 02, 2015

Europatat Congress 2015: “Potato Market - A creative approach

Europatat, the European Potato Trade Association, and DKHV, the German Potato Trading Association (Deutscher Kartoffelhandelsverband), are pleased to announce the dates for the annual Europatat Congress, that this year will take place in Düsseldorf (Germany) from 7 to 9 May 2015.
El conocimiento diferenciado que las mujeres tienen del cultivo de la papa debe incluirse en todo proceso de selección participativa de variedades
februari 02, 2015

El conocimiento diferenciado que las mujeres tienen del cultivo de la papa debe incluirse en todo proceso de selección participativa de variedades

A esa conclusión llegaron los autores de este trabajo realizado en Perú, cuyos resultados fueron presentados en el el último congreso de la ALAP.
A man sells potatoes in the street outside the central market in Yerevan, Armenia. Courtesy: FAO/Johan Spanner
februari 02, 2015

Armenian potato export now exceeds import

Over the last two years, Armenia’s potato exports have risen considerably and now exceed the countries potato import.
Potato Prices Great Britain
februari 01, 2015

Even larger EU 2014/15 potato crops weighing on prices

Production estimates in North-Western Europe, already known to be strong, have seen upwards revisions following the receipt of additional yield data - now exceeding 28Mt from a record 547,000ha.


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