Call for tenders: feasibility study potato processing in Cameroon
maart 13, 2015

Call for tenders: feasibility study potato processing in Cameroon

The Cameroonian Ministry of Industry has just issued a call for tenders to hire a research firm to conduct a technical, institutional and financial study on behalf of the government to create a potato-processing project for Kumbo in the North-West region.
New Potato Variety - Caribou Russet - released by Maine Potato Board and the University of Maine
maart 13, 2015

New Potato Variety - Caribou Russet - released by Maine Potato Board and the University of Maine

The University of Maine and the Maine Potato Board have released a new potato variety, Caribou Russet.
Potato Starch Manufacturer AVEBE completes campaign
maart 13, 2015

Potato Starch Manufacturer AVEBE completes campaign

This season's potato processing operation at starch manufacturer AVEBE has reached its conclusion. The final potatoes for the 2014-2015 campaign have been delivered in Ter Apelkanaal.
Investigadores españoles identifican la presencia de la raza Blue13 del patógeno causante del tizón tardío de la papa
maart 12, 2015

Investigadores identifican en España la presencia de la raza Blue13 del patógeno causante del tizón tardío de la papa

Científicos del Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER-Tecnalia han realizado el estudio de la estructura genética de Phytophthora infestans -causante del tizón tardío de la papa- y han identificado por primera vez en España la existencia del genotipo Blue13 (13_A2). El hallazgo es fruto de los resultados obtenidos en la tesis doctoral del ingeniero agrónomo Néstor Alor, presentada en la Universidad de Lleida y dirigida por el Dr. José Ignacio Ruiz de Galarreta.
Dr. Richard L. Sawyer
maart 11, 2015

Founder International Potato Center - Dr. Richard L. Sawyer - passes away

The International Potato Center (CIP) mourns the passing of Dr. Richard L. Sawyer, founder of CIP and its first Director General. Dr. Sawyer passed away on March 9 in Raleigh, North Carolina, in his native USA.
Potatoes in a commercial storage
maart 10, 2015

North Dakota potato farming Johnson brothers sentenced to prison for crop insurance fraud

Potato farming brothers Aaron Johnson of Northwood and Derek Johnson of Vancouver, B.C., will spend time in federal prison in the Federal Prison Camp in Duluth, Minn., and are jointly responsible for restitution of nearly $1 million because of crop insurance fraud.
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Con qué productos se trata la semilla de papa en Argentina
maart 09, 2015

3 productos para "curar" semilla de papa en Argentina

En septiembre se empiezan a sembrar lotes tempranos de papa en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Cómo la temperatura del suelo es muy baja y los niveles de humedad son variables, siempre estárán latentes las posibilidades de ataque de diferentes enfermedades. Son diversos los productos que existen en el mercado. En éste artículo se presentan algunos de ellos con sus características principales.
Norway: excess table potatoes processed into starch
maart 09, 2015

Norway: excess table potatoes processed into starch

The Potato harvest in Norway in 2014 was large. The large surplus of potatoes for consumption now will be partly processed into starch.
Pakistan can export up to one million tons of potatoes
maart 09, 2015

Pakistan can export up to one million tons of potatoes

Provincial Minister for Agriculture, Dr. Farrukh Javed has said that Pakistan is capable of exporting up to one million tons of potato because of its bumper crop this year.
Cuba: Largas colas en La Habana por llegada de la papa a los mercados
maart 09, 2015

Cuba: Largas colas en La Habana por llegada de la papa a los mercados

El pasado fin de semana, la llegada de la papa a varios mercados agrícolas de La Habana provocó reyertas que recordaron el desespero de los años más difíciles del Período Especial. Horas después de finalizadas las trifulcas, era posible comprar papa en aquellos mismos lugares, pero de mano de los avispados que especulaban con el producto.
Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) (Courtesy MPI, Afzal Khan)
maart 08, 2015

Research: Fighting the Colorado Potato Beetle with RNA

Colorado potato beetles are a dreaded pest of potatoes all over the world. Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institutes of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm and Chemical Ecology in Jena have shown that potato plants can be protected from herbivory using RNA interference (RNAi).
Deesa, Gujarat: not enough potato storage space
maart 08, 2015

Deesa, Gujarat: not enough potato storage space

Potato farmers in Deesa, Gujarat are concerned because there is not enough potato storage space for the large harvest.
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Focus on Potato Talk Teaches Bacterial Ring Rot Sanitation
maart 08, 2015

Focus on Potato Talk Teaches Bacterial Ring Rot Sanitation

Of the more than 100 diseases of potato, bacterial ring rot is one of the few zero-tolerance pests. If just one seed potato on a farm is found to have this disease, no seed on that farm can be certified.
Side Delight website
maart 05, 2015

Fresh Solutions Network unveils Side Delights Website

Fresh Solutions Network today debuted a brand-new, industry-leading website for their Side Delights® brand of potato products, located at
A worker is seen transporting potatoes to a local market after a spell of rain in Kolkata on Wednesday (Courtesy: Ashoke Chakrabarty)
maart 05, 2015

Potato prices West Bengal crash on bumper crop

A bumper crop, coupled with weak demand from other States, has led to a free-fall in potatoes prices in West Bengal.
AUSVEG questions benefits of generic potato marketing campaign
maart 05, 2015

AUSVEG questions benefits of generic potato marketing campaign

AUSVEG remains wholly unconvinced of the benefits of a grower-funded generic potato marketing campaign despite claims from the Potato Marketing Corporation of Western Australia that the initiative has been a success in that state.
Venezuela: The price of potatoes for processing increases by 185%
maart 05, 2015

Venezuela: The price of potatoes for processing increases by 185%

The president of the Potato Growers Association (Asopapa) of the state of Carabobo (Venezuela), Aldemaro Ortega, said the price per kilo, for the potato processing companies, had been set at 40 bolivars.
Ryan Krabill
maart 05, 2015

Ryan Krabill Named First Ever US Potato Board Director of Research & Analysis

The United States Potato Board (USPB) is pleased to announce industry veteran Ryan J. Krabill has joined its staff in the newly-created position of Director of Research & Analysis.


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