East African drone pilot project started to gather crop data in Tanzania
februari 26, 2016

East African drone pilot project started to gather crop data in Tanzania

Researchers from the University of Nairobi, the International Potato Centre (CIP) and others ave started a pilot project in Tanzania, where a drone was able to pinpoint 14 different varieties of sweet potatoes in Ukiriguru Research Institute in Mwanza.
PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction
februari 26, 2016

PEI Potato farmers granted partial victory in slope violation conviction

Two potato farmers from Prince Edward Island (Canada) that were convicted of planting potatoes on a slope that was too steep were granted a partial victory from the P.E.I. Court of Appeal.
Determinan en Colombia las zonas con mayor aptitud para sembrar papa
februari 25, 2016

Determinan en Colombia las zonas con mayor aptitud para sembrar papa

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural y la Unidad de Planificación Rural Agropecuaria, UPRA, están identificándo las zonas con mayor aptitud para el establecimiento del cultivo de la papa, teniendo en cuenta las características del suelo y las condiciones socioeconómicas y ambientales de cada territorio.
Bolivia gasta US$18 millones en programa para cosechar papa todo el año
februari 25, 2016

Bolivia gasta US$18 millones en programa para cosechar papas todo el año

El director ejecutivo de la Institución Pública Desconcentrada Soberanía Alimentaria, del Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural y Tierras, Hilario Callisaya, informó en La Paz, que el Gobierno destinó 124 millones de bolivianos para ejecutar un programa que permita cosechar papa todo el año.
Potato Prices in West Bengal may shoot up 50-65% by April-May
februari 25, 2016

Potato Prices in West Bengal may shoot up 50-65% by April-May

Potato prices in West Bengal may shoot up as much as 50-65% by April-May to Rs 18-20 per kg owing to an expected fall in production in West Bengal, which is said to have brought in speculators into play
Dutch company to support commercial Angola potato production
februari 25, 2016

Dutch company to support commercial Angola potato production

An unidentified agricultural company from the Netherlands will support farmers in large scale potato production in the irrigated area of ​​Matala, in Angola’s Huila province.
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Fresh Solutions Network Wins Packaging Design Award For Side Delights Roastables
februari 25, 2016

Fresh Solutions Network Wins Packaging Design Award For Side Delights Roastables

Fresh Solutions Network announced its packaging design award from Graphic Design USA, American Packaging Design Awards.
PEI potato farmer bets on Smilin' Eyes specialty variety
februari 25, 2016

PEI potato farmer bets on Smilin' Eyes specialty variety

A new variety of yellow flesh potatoes could soon become a staple on the tables of West Prince (PEI, Canada) residents.
Para el 2020 China convertirá a la papa en su alimento básico
februari 24, 2016

Para el 2020 China convertirá a la papa en su alimento básico

China promoverá más la producción de papa para convertir al tubérculo en uno de los alimentos básicos de la nación, dijo el Ministerio de Agricultura.
Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varietes
februari 24, 2016

Molecular Marker for high Calcium trait can help breeding better potato varieties

Researchers discovered that in a wild variety of potato (Solanum Microdontum) Calcium levels are about seven times higher than in a regular potato. They developed a molecular marker to facilitate the transfer of the high Calcium trait to newly bred potato varieties.
Potato Breeder HZPC invests in Russia and Finland
februari 23, 2016

Potato Breeder HZPC invests in Russia and Finland

HZPC Holland bv, world leader in potato breeding, announces the acquisition of all the remaining shares in the joint venture of the Finnish company HZPC Sadokas Oy. With all shares of HZPC Sadokas Oy, HZPC Holland also acquires the Russian company AO HZPC Sadokas in Saint Petersburg.
Disponibles las conferencias de la útima reunión técnica de Euroblight
februari 22, 2016

Disponibles las conferencias de último taller de Euroblight

Acaban de colocar en la web de Euroblight las conferencias del último taller realizado en Brazov (Rumania) entre el 13-15 de mayo de 2015.
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Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection
februari 19, 2016

Farmer's Keepers potatoes a take on delicious imperfection

BCfresh, a British Columbia-based provider of locally-grown vegetables, announced the introduction of Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes. Farmer’s Keepers™ Potatoes come in a variety of non-uniform shapes and sizes with minor blemishes or minor mechanical damage.
España promueve la innovación de la cadena de la papa en África
februari 18, 2016

España promueve la innovación de la cadena de la papa en África

NEIKER-Tecnalia, la empresa INKOA SISTEMAS S.L y un consorcio de cuatro países africanos participan actualmente en un proyecto para promover la innovación a lo largo de la cadena de valor de la papa (o patata) en África del Este.
Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year rotation mandatory
februari 18, 2016

Idaho Potato Processing Contracts will make a minimum three-year crop rotation mandatory

Sources say the 2016 Southern Idaho Potato Cooperative contract will include new langcode mandating a minimum of two years of alternate crops between potatoes.
World Potato Congress Welcomes New Directors and International Advisor
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World Potato Congress Welcomes New Directors and International Advisor

World Potato Congress Inc. announced today appointments to the WPC Board of Directors and International Advisory Committee.
Study: Best Hope for Potassium and Fiber Missing in Children's Diets is the One Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potatoes
februari 17, 2016

Best Hope for Potassium & Fiber Missing in Kids Diets is the Vegetable They're Least Likely to Ignore: Potato

U.S. children are not consuming enough vegetables, resulting in an inadequate intake of key nutrients, including potassium and dietary fiber, which are important for growth, development and overall health.
Searching a Scottish Potato Farm for Research an Demonstration
februari 17, 2016

Searching a Scottish Potato Farm for Research and Demonstration

In the United Kingdom, AHDB Potatoes has announced that it is searching for the first farmer host for its new Scottish Strategic Potato (SPot) Farm.


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