FAO Food price index August 2012
september 06, 2012

No increase in world food prices in August

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 213 points in August 2012, unchanged from the previous month. Although still high, the Index value is 25 points below the peak (238 points) reached in February 2011 and 18 points less than in August last year. Internat...
 FAO Food price index July 2012
augustus 10, 2012

FAO Food Price index up on unfavourable weather

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 213 points in July 2012, as much as 12 points (6 percent) up from June, but still well below the peak of 238 points reached in February 2011. The July surge of the Index followed three months of decline. The sha...
 Logo de las papas azules "Delizia Blu"
juni 26, 2012

Compañía italiana lanza las papas azules "Delizia Blu"

La empresa MA.DE.CO. , que trabaja en Grotte di Castro, Tuscia Viterbese (Italia), está orgullosa de lanzar una patata nueva e innovadora, llamada "Delizia Blu"(delicia azul) y se ha definido como una "patata sana"por la empresa, ya...
april 11, 2012

The FAO Food Price Index in March nearly unchanged from February

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 216 points in March 2012, virtually unchanged from 215 points in February. Among the various commodity groups, only oils prices showed strength, compensating for falling dairy quotations, while the indices of ce...
december 07, 2011

Aprobado el Segundo Plan de Acción Mundial para los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

El Segundo Plan Global de Acción para los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura fue adoptado por el Consejo de la FAO, que tuvo lugar en Roma el 29 de noviembre de 2011, como nuevo marco de trabajo global que apunta a la conserva...
november 17, 2011

FAO says traditional crops key to facing climate change

Traditional food crops and other plant varieties worldwide are in urgent need of protection from climate change and other environmental stresses, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said today, as it observed the tenth anniversary of the int...
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november 17, 2011

Los cultivos tradicionales son claves frente al cambio climático

Los cultivos alimentarios tradicionales y otras variedades vegetales de todo el mundo necesitan protección urgente frente al cambio climático y demás presiones medioambientales, según subrayó hoy la FAO, en el décimo aniversario del Tratado Internacion...
juli 19, 2011

BMA Nederland increases Pizzoli's French Fry production capacity

Already a long time the company Pizzoli from Budrio Italy, needed to increase the production capacity of their potato products factory. Together with BMA Nederland they studied the various options which could bring the desired result. The project shou...
FAO Food price Index
juli 13, 2011

Global food prices stay high in June

The FAO Food Price Index (FFPI) averaged 234 points in June 2011, 1 percent higher than in May and 39 percent higher than in June 2010. The FFPI hit its all time high of 238 points in February. A strong rise in international sugar prices was behind muc...
 Boema potato peeler
februari 17, 2011

Boema introduceert aardappelschilmachines met ozonbehandeling

Op de Fruit Logistica/Freshconex presenteerde het Italiaanse bedrijf Boema de nieuwste lijn van aardappelschilmachines.
januari 05, 2011

Global Food Prices at Record High

Food prices hit a record high last month, surpassing the levels seen during the 2007-08 crisis, the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation said on Wednesday.
maart 26, 2009

Pizza-making machine has chefs in a spin

A vending machine that bakes fresh pizza in minutes for a few euros has got Italian chefs in a whirl before it hits the streets in the coming weeks. The bright-red "Let's Pizza"machine uses infra-red rays and technology developed at the Uni...
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The soaring cost of food is threatening millions of people in poor countries, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has warned. Food prices have risen an unprecedented 40% in the last year and many nations may be unable to cope, ...


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