
Despite current low prices, more potatoes planted in North-western Europe
mei 10, 2018

Despite current low prices, more potatoes planted in North-western Europe

The NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) estimate that the growers in the 5 leading potato growing countries will plant 0,4% more potatoes than last year.
European Commission bans all outdoor uses of neonicotinoids
april 28, 2018

European Commission bans all outdoor uses of neonicotinoids

The European Commission decided on Friday April, 27 2018 to impose a complete ban on neonicotinoids, referring to the risk they pose to wild bees and honeybees.
Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Dewulf inaugurates Logistics Center
maart 21, 2018

Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Dewulf inaugurates Logistics Center

Dewulf, full-line supplier of potato and root crop equipment, has officially inaugurated its new logistics
centre (SLC) at its headquarters in Roeselare, Belgium
Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years
maart 01, 2018

Amount of stored potatoes in Europe high compared to previous years

The North-Western European Potato Growers report on volume and condition of the potatoes still in storage
Potato Production of Harvest 2017 in North-western Europe adjusted upwards
november 04, 2017

Estimates Potato Production North-western Europe Harvest 2017 adjusted upwards

Although the full harvest is not in the stores yet, the North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimates the actual harvest at 28.9 million tons for the 5 countries. This is more than the estimate of last September.
Dewulf~Miedema will continue under the name Dewulf
oktober 30, 2017

Dewulf~Miedema will continue using the company name Dewulf

Dewulf~Miedema - supplier of a complete line of agricultural machinery for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops - has selected Dewulf as its new official company name.
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Potato Production North-western-Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year
september 18, 2017

Potato Production North-western Europe up 13.5 percent compared to last year

For the current European potato harvest, the North-western-European Potato Growers (NEPG) estimate the total potato production at 27.9 million tons for the five NEPG countries (Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Great Britain). This is up 13.5 percent compared to last season.
Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar
september 17, 2017

Aardappelproduktie Noord-west Europa 13.5 procent hoger dan vorig jaar

Op basis van proefrooiingen en praktijkresultaten verwacht de NEPG een totale oogst van 27,9 miljoen ton aan consumptieaardappelen in Noord-west Europa. Dat is 13,5% hoger dan vorig jaar.
Belgapom: normal harvest of storage potatoes possible in Belgium, despite drought
juli 26, 2017

Belgapom: normal harvest of storage potatoes possible in Belgium, despite drought

In Belgium - and also in the Netherlands - drought has taken its toll on the early potato harvest. But for the main crop (for storage) a lot depends on the coming weeks and the month of August.
Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf
juli 21, 2017

Karel Decramer quits as sales director at Dewulf

Karel Decramer has decided to quit as the sales director for the vegetable division of Dewulf, specialist in the field of harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots.
Updated estimates NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased
juli 04, 2017

Updated estimate NEPG: EU North-Western potato area has increased

The total consumption potato area in North-Western Europe, has been estimated at 578.821 ha, which is 4.6% more than last year and 8.3% more than the 5 years average, according to the NEPG.
AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter
april 24, 2017

AVR launches trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter

Now that the potato planting season is upon us, we have a newcomer in the field. Potato machine manufacturer AVR is launching the trailed Ceres 450 combined potato planter.
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La agricultura orgánica debería incluir la papa genéticamente modificada con resistencia al tizón tardío

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Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”
december 18, 2016

Potato company Bruwier: “Price for processing varieties will not fluctuate much till spring”

Jan van Luchene of Bruwier Potatoes, a Belgian company specialized in acquiring and delivering the potatoes you need offers his view of the current potato market in Belgium and Europe.
Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes
december 03, 2016

Harvest Estimation North-Western European Potato Growers adjusted downwards to 24.5 million tonnes

The official NEPG (North-Western European Potato Growers) harvest estimation has been adjusted downward to 24.551.000 tons, which is 3 % lower than last year and 3,6 % than the 5 years average.
A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme
november 23, 2016

A Potato Harvester without compromise: the Dewulf Kwatro Xtreme

Dewulf, specialist in harvesting technology for potatoes and carrots, introduces the Kwatro Xtreme as a solution for growers who plant in 4 x 90 cm rows or 1800 mm beds.
Belgian potato producers are relieved
oktober 25, 2016

Belgian potato producers are relieved as weather turns

Finally, potato growers in Belgium can relax a bit. At last the weather conditions were in their favour and they could start the harvest
AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemdag
augustus 15, 2016

AVR demonstrates 'All Conditions Control' option for Puma 3 at Potato Europe, Aardappeldemodag

Agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR presents its new option on the Puma 3 during Potato Europe and the Aardappeldemodag: the All Conditions Control or in short the ACC.


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