Interpom finally brings the European potato chain together again.
november 16, 2021

Interpom brings the European potato chain together again. Finally!

Interpom 2021 is fast approaching – we are now on the home stretch! After a whole year of postponement, Interpom will finally be held on Sunday 28, Monday 29, and Tuesday 30 November 2021 in Kortrijk Xpo (B).
Dewulf launches state-of-the-art online configurator for its potato harvesters.
november 05, 2021

Configure your new Dewulf potato harvester online!

Dewulf, a full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, proudly presents its brand new online configurator for its potato harvesters
New AVR Spirit 7200 seven ton bunker offset potato harvester offers haulm roller as unique feature
augustus 24, 2021

New AVR Spirit 7200 seven ton bunker offset potato harvester offers haulm roller as unique feature

The new Spirit 7200 complements the AVR Spirit family with a drawn, two-row offset potato harvester. In essence, it is a further development of the Spirit 6200.
AVR Ceres 440 gathers planting data from Potato Europe demo fields
mei 24, 2021

AVR Ceres 440 potato planter gathers data from Potato Europe demo fields

In April '21, AVR, manufacturer of a full range of machinery for the cultivation of potatoes, lent the services of its newest, cloud connected Ceres 440 planter to the Potato Europe fair organisation.
Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain
mei 23, 2021

Groen Licht Voor Interpom 2021: Let’s reconnect the potato chain

Het is nu zeker: Interpom gaat door! Van 28 tot en met 30 november 2021 blaast de internationale aardappelwereld opnieuw verzamelen in Kortrijk Xpo.
Dewulf and Agrointelli jointly explore autonomous potato planting
april 26, 2021

Dewulf and Agrointelli jointly explore autonomous potato planting

Dewulf and Agrointelli have announced that they will be working together to explore the benefits of using autonomous machines in potato cultivation. A first project will see the combination of the autonomous Robotti platform with a 4-row Miedema CP 42 cup planter.
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Dewulf launches a new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester: Enduro
november 21, 2020

Dewulf launches a new 4-row self-propelled potato harvester: Enduro

Dewulf, a manufacturer of potato harvesters from Belgium, launches an entirely new 4-row self-propelled sieving harvester: the Enduro. This harvester on tyres is equipped with new technologies in the areas of ground pressure, product cleaning and flow, and buffer capacity.
Dewulf updates its R3060 potato harvesters
september 17, 2020

Dewulf updates its R3060 potato harvesters

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, have fitted their renowned R3060 series sieving harvesters with several updates. Every new R3060 is now equipped with a brand new, more environmentally friendly Scania Stage V engine.
augustus 29, 2020

Slim aardappels telen: AVR en Dacom brengen veld- en machinedata bij elkaar

AVR, leverancier van aardappelrooiers en aanbieder van systemen voor precisielandbouw Dacom brengen veld- en machinedata bij elkaar. Voordeel voor de aardappelteler is dat hij niet alleen een beter, én real time inzicht krijgt over wat er met de machine gebeurt, maar de informatie ook kan koppelen aan perceelsdata.
Interpom 2021
augustus 27, 2020

Belgian Potato Industry Trade show Interpom postponed till 2021

The Potato Industry Trade Show Interpom that was scheduled later this year in Kortrijk Xpo (Belgium) is postponed until November 2021
juli 16, 2020

Opklapbare AVR ridger beantwoordt vraag naar mechanische onkruidbestrijding

Bedachtzaam omspringen met onze bodem en efficiënt telen zijn sleutelwoorden voor een duurzame landbouwsector. Zowel vanuit de particuliere hoek, die de vraag in supermarkten bepaalt, als vanuit de overheid is de vraag naar andere technieken groot. In versneld tempo worden namelijk allerhande chemische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en onkruidverdelgers verboden.
mei 28, 2020

INTERPOM 2020 op Aangepaste Openingsdagen

Beursthema: 'Let's connect the potato chain in the post-coronavirus world'. 2020 wordt in de geschiedenisboeken ingeschreven als 'het corona-jaar'.
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oktober 25, 2019

Nieuwe AVR Puma 4.0 connecteert machinedata met de landbouwer

Op de komende Agritechnica stelt AVR voor de allereerste keer zijn nieuwe Puma 4.0 voor. De vierrijige aardappelrooier is de opvolger van de bekende Puma 3, maar is nu volledig cloud geconnecteerd.
AVR shows new digging unit at Potato Europe 2019
augustus 30, 2019

AVR shows new digging unit at Potato Europe 2019

At the upcoming Potato Europe in Kain, Belgium, agricultural machinery manufacturer AVR is presenting its new quick-change digging unit. As of 2020, this option will be available on all 2-row trailed AVR harvesters.
Dewulf to present new options for RA3060, Kwatro and MH series during Potato Europe 2019
augustus 21, 2019

Dewulf to present new options for its potato harvesters during PotatoEurope 2019

Dewulf, full-liner in machines for the cultivation of potatoes and root crops, will place particular focus on haulm processing, sieving capacity and roller cleaning during Potato Europe ’19.
AVR developed new receiving hopper for medium-sized agricultural holdings
juli 06, 2019

AVR developed new receiving hopper for medium-sized agricultural holdings

AVR developed new receiving hopper for medium-sized agricultural holdings
Dewulf is fully prepared for a successful future
april 02, 2019

Dewulf is fully prepared for a successful future

Dewulf, full-liner in agricultural machines for potatoes and carrots, receives a capital injection by family shareholders Hendrik Decramer and Thomas Decan, in collaboration with investor Jan Clarebout.
Aardappel sector komt weer massaal naar de INTERPOM PRIMEURS in de Kortrijk Xpo
november 30, 2018

Aardappel sector komt weer massaal naar de INTERPOM PRIMEURS in de Kortrijk Xpo

De voorbije dagen was de volledige aardappelsector massaal verzameld op INTERPOM PRIMEURS in Kortrijk Xpo. Niet minder dan 19.508 bezoekers de beurs...


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