heart shaped potato (Courtesy: APRE)
april 30, 2015

Teenagers’ potassium intake may lower blood pressure in adulthood

A study published in JAMA Pediatrics shows that a diet high in potassium may protect teenagers from high blood pressure in adulthood. Since potatoes are a major dietary source of potassium, the potato sector should take note of this research.
Blightcast warnings (UK) adapted to more aggressive blight strains
april 29, 2015

Blightcast warnings (UK) adapted to more aggressive blight strains

Potato growers and agronomists in he United Kingdom will be better prepared to cope with more aggressive blight strains this season, with a new BlightCast warning tailored to focus on infections now typically occurring earlier in the season at cooler temperatures.
Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry
april 29, 2015

Dutch saltwater potatoes offer hope for world's hungry

A small field on an island off the Netherlands' northern coast promises one answer to the problem of how to feed the world's ever-growing population: potatoes and other crops that grow in saltwater.
Colorized Scanning Electron Micrograph of Clostridium Botulinum.
april 29, 2015

Improperly Home-canned Potatoes suspected as source of Botulism Outbreak

Ohio Department of Health officials say the likely source of the Lancaster botulism outbreak is home-canned potatoes used in a potato salad.
Sri Lanka raises tax on imported potatoes and big onions
april 27, 2015

Sri Lanka raises tax on imported potatoes and big onions

Sri Lanka's Ministry of Finance announced April 25, 2015 that the import taxes on big onions and potatoes have been increased with immediate effect.
Website Princesse AmaPotato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomunidine
april 26, 2015

First Potato Brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine by Pomuni

Pomuni, market leader in the Belgian table potatoes market, will this summer introduce the first potato brand in Belgium: Princesse Amadine
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Abren concurso para docentes en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
april 25, 2015

Abren concurso para docentes en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

La Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia abrió la convocatoria para proveer nueve cargos de dedicación tiempo completo y dos cargos de dedicación cátedra. La información puede resultar de interés para alguno de los colegas latinoamericanos.
Este manual te enseña a sembrar papa en Chile
april 25, 2015

Este manual te enseña a sembrar papa en Chile

El objetivo del documento es el de servir como una herramienta de apoyo técnico para todos los actores de la cadena de producción del país. En él podrán encontrar información de manejo agronómico, sanitario, variedades, cosecha y almacenamiento, entre otros.
Regulations are frustrating the import of potatoes to the Canary Islands
april 24, 2015

Regulations are frustrating the import of potatoes to the Canary Islands

Each year, large quantities of ware and seed are exported from the United Kingdom to the Canary Islands. Potato Council’s head of seed and export, Rob Burns, updates on the current difficulties affecting this long established trade agreement.
Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature
april 21, 2015

Sweet Potatoes are Genetically Modified - by nature

Researchers from Ghent University and the International Potato Center have discovered that sweet potatoes naturally contain genes from a bacterium. Because of the presence of this 'foreign' DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a 'natural gmo'.
Colin Barnett, premier of Western Australia
april 20, 2015

Premier Western Australia: Potato Marketing Corporation will be abolished within two years

The Premier of Western Australia, Colin Bartlett, reportedly told The West Australian that it was time for rules that dictated the varieties, quantities and price of potatoes grown in Western Australia - and the Potato Marketing Corporation - to go.
Fontagro abre convocatoria para propuestas sobre innovaciones para el manejo sostenible de recursos naturales en la agricultura familiar en LAC
april 19, 2015

Fontagro abre convocatoria para propuestas sobre innovaciones para el manejo sostenible de recursos naturales en agricultura familiar de LAC

El Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (FONTAGRO) anuncia la Convocatoria 2015 “Innovaciones para el manejo sostenible de recursos naturales en la agricultura familiar en América Latina y el Caribe”. Recibe propuestas hasta el 5 de junio.
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Certifican a productores colombianos en manejo integral del cultivo de papa

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Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants
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Colourful Perupas for the first time in Dutch restaurants

Fresh-food specialist for the hotel and restaurant industry Rungis and HZPC are bringing the ancient potato varieties from the Andes back on to the plate in Dutch restaurants.
Crop Rotation trial in New Zealand (Courtesy New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research)
april 16, 2015

Major new potato research project announced in New Zealand

Potatoes New Zealand Inc. has won funding from the Ministry of Primary Industries for a major research project aimed at improving crop yield, more specifically, the impact of crop rotations on soil borne diseases and soil quality.
Liberan nueva variedad de papa en Perú
april 15, 2015

Liberan nueva variedad de papa en Perú

Constituye una alternativa tecnológica con resistencia al tizón tardío, buena productividad y altos valores nutricionales.
South Koreans like their potatoes in many different forms (Courtesy: Yeinjee.com)
april 15, 2015

South Korea potential growth market for Australian potatoes

South Korea could help provide Australian potato growers with some relief from domestic cost pressures via a potentially lucrative growth market for exports.


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