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Polynet Packaging
Polynet packaging from Nedato is available in standard volumes of 5 and 25 kg in either red or yellow.
Hyperspectral Analyser
RMA-Techniek's hyperspectral analyzer can be used to determine the dry matter content and its dispersion in a potato. To do this, the potato must pass through the machine cut into slices.
Potato Storage Concept based on Mechanical Ventilation Only
ENGIE Refrigeration has developed a storage system entirely based on mechanical refrigeration, which allows maintaining the same storage conditions throughout the year.
Fuji Robotic Palletizing Systems
Fuji Robotics is the World's Leading Robotics Palletizer. The first palletizing robot (1982), Fuji has been the pioneer ever since. With 16,000 installations worldwide Fuji offers the highest palletizing rates and lowest TCO.
Spiral Freezers
Advanced Food Equipment LLC is one of the top spiral freezer manufacturers in the market, AFE is proud to present lineup of custom spiral freezers that are designed to efficiently freeze thousands of pounds of food per hour, including vegetables, fruit, meat, baked goods, and more.
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Aurora Borealis ~Usva~ knife peeling machine (0025-2000KN)
Aurora Borealis ~Special edition USVA ~ Knife peeler for re-peeling steam peeled products.
Cubemaster 200i
The BPA Cubemaster 200i is a gravity case packer equipped with our robotic integrated case erector. This BPA system was designed to optimize floor space, making it the most compact case packer/erector in the industry!
EC Axial 1000 Fan
Mooij Agro developed a new and larger axial flow EC fan in cooperation with Klima, especially suitable for onion and potato storage projects where low energy use is a priority.