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Crinkle Slices
Hot and Crispy provides special kind of French Fries called Crinkle Fries.
This tasty Russet Skin variety with medium maturity is the first russet-skinned variety from HZPC.
Barn Owl Wireless
Barn Owl Wireless is a modular multi-sensor monitoring and automatic ventilation control system. The flexibility of the system makes it ideally suited to potato store monitoring in all sizes and types of store.
Chip Fryer
Martin Lishman-Fry Quality Testing consists of a chip fryer which is ideal for testing fry quality of potatoes. Knowing the quality and grade before transportation or processing ensures peace of mind that contract quality has been achieved and avoids unnecessary and expensive rejections.
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USDA French Fry Color Card
The standard colour card that is used world wide for the evaluation of french fries is the USDA french fry colour card
EcoMiser® Elite
Reyco Systems® EcoMiser® Elite Oil Removal System incorporates a revolutionary oil removal design with several evolutionary developments to provide a much cleaner oil removal system with minimal crumb build-up and vastly reduced potential for process fires.
The Marel RevoPortioner is the industry leading low pressure portioning system that enables you to produce a consistent fl ow of high quality products. The RevoPortioner will give guarantee that your products always have the same uniform shape, weight and size.
Marel RevoBreader is a multi-purpose breader with drum and flatbed modes in one enclosure, creating the highest quality home style and standard coated products.
The Reyco EcoVac™ was originally developed to remove water from various fresh vegetable products for the fresh-cut foods industry.
Kufri Lauvker
Kufri Lavkar is an early maturing variety (matures in 70 days in plateau and 100 days in the plains) with round white and light creamy firm flesh tubers.
Frozen French fries are the most popular processed potato product throughout the world. India lacks a suitable potato variety for French fry production.
Active Mixer
Precise batter mixing starts with Marel’s Active Mixer. This semi-automatic mixer takes powder and water and turns it into a homogeneous mixture, which can be tempura or a lower viscosity batter.
Zeal Manual Hydrometer
Martin Lishman - Zeal Manual Hydrometer is a traditional industry tool for fast intake sampling and measurement of dry matter and specific gravity (density).
Hermes is the potato variety with yellow skin, oval, low tuber number and high dormancy. It has high dry matter and good fry colour. It is also suitable for crisp quality production, either fresh or from storage.