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Positive Pneumatic System
Waste removal is a major challenge in all food processing environments however it is seldom more of an issue than in the fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industry. Reyco Positive Pneumatic conveying system provides a simple, cost-effective solution to these problems.
UV Hood
REYCO Systems can custom design UVC Hoods using Steril-Aire shatter-resistant, plastic-sheathed UVC Emitters™ for specific applications. The UVC light kills viruses, bacteria, mold, fungus, and yeast through the disruption of the DNA and RNA structure at the cellular level.
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Active Mixer
Precise batter mixing starts with Marel’s Active Mixer. This semi-automatic mixer takes powder and water and turns it into a homogeneous mixture, which can be tempura or a lower viscosity batter.
Potato Flakes
Potato flakes are the perfect ingredient for a wide range of products, tailored to meet specific needs. Top Tier Ingredients offers a natural potato flake option, free from artificial additives or preservatives.
This tasty Russet Skin variety with medium maturity is the first russet-skinned variety from HZPC.
Downs CropVision 240 (Optical Sorter with Reject Conveyor)
The Downs CropVision 240, marketed by PGS Equipment Ltd., is an advanced optical sorter integrated with a reject conveyor, designed for the efficient sorting of various crops.
Spudnik 6640 36″ Offset Hitch (4 row Harvester, with Simple Sep Secondary)
The Spudnik 6640 is a 4-row harvester with a 36" offset hitch and Simple Sep Secondary, designed for efficient and high-quality crop harvesting.
The Santana potato has a light-yellow skin colour and crème colour of flesh. It is a medium early ripening variety with High Yield.
Even Greener
The potato is a sustainable choice. It has a very small Carbon footprint, compared to rice or wheat. And it gets even smaller now. HZPC presents you Even Greener - a selection of extra sustainable varieties with a lower impact.
For farmers who do not have large professional cooling systems is the ideal solution. The Humigator is an air cooler and air purifier in one! A traditional refrigeration system does not and does not take away bacterias out off the air.
Certis Belchim - Areli
The strategy to control phytophthora is undergoing major changes. That is why we are happy to introduce Areli, the new fungicide for potatoes. Areli offers strong preventive protection, even for new growth. Thanks to its rapid rainfastness, it remains effective even in changeable weather conditions.
Crops Meteo
AgroVision Crops Meteo gives growers access to data from weather stations and weather forecasts. The programme provides comprehensive agronomic weather advice and it automatically records spray conditions in crop records for food safety certification purposes.
Subscription to Potato World Magazine
Published four times per year, this is the #1 magazine for potato industry professionals worldwide. With a special offer for PotatoPro readers!