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Multi-Sensor Temperature Packages
Multi-Sensor Selector-Potato Store Monitoring Package consists multiple temperatures in boxed or bulk- stored potatoes.
Potato Flakes
Potato Flakes are the most important form of dehydrated potato products among others including potato granules, pellets, powder, shredded and sliced potato. The main reason for the widespread usage of potato flakes is their unique ability to reconstitute even with cold water.
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Weight in Water Digital Balance
The best and most convenient way to measure dry matter content of your potatoes.
USDA French Fry Color Card
The standard colour card that is used world wide for the evaluation of french fries is the USDA french fry colour card
Potato Flour (Granular and Fine Flour)
Put simply, potato flour is cooked, dried, ground potatoes with no additives. Yet, while potato flour may look like finely ground potato flakes, the two products are very different.
The LinearOven steams, cooks, and roasts products, including potato specialties. The LinearOven’s dual-zone design lets you precisely adjust the temperature, dew point, and airspeed to create the optimal cooking climates for your specific products.
The Reyco WaterVac® has become a standard in the vegetable and fresh-cut industries since 1990. In addition to solving the clumping problem, the WaterVac® will act as a pre-cooler, in some cases eliminating that need altogether.
Frozen French fries are the most popular processed potato product throughout the world. India lacks a suitable potato variety for French fry production.
Potato Memphis is a new promising crop variety. It is characterized by good yield and drought resistance, which greatly simplifies care.
Air Make-Up Unit (AMU)
Reyco Systems Air Make-Up Unit (AMU) are manufactured to the highest quality standards to operate in some of the most difficult food processing environments.