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Albert Bartlett and Sons

Potato wedges

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Albert Bartlett is the UK's leading potato producer and packer. The company provides retail, wholesale, food service, and export customers with branded and own label products such as fresh, chilled, and frozen potatoes.

Albert Bartlett is the most well-known fresh and chilled potato brand in the UK, and it also has a large presence in the frozen category. Every year, the company processes over 450K tonnes of potatoes through various sites around the UK. 

The company also owns Scotty Brand, a multi-category "umbrella" band that markets the finest Scottish produce produced by various Scottish producers.

The range includes salmon, in-season berries, vegetable "stew" mixes, beetroot chips (snacks), frozen fries "Chippy chips," frozen peas, and various potato products. The company supplies over 20% of the fresh potatoes in the United Kingdom.

Albert Bartlett has 4 production sites across the UK which are based in Airdrie, Lincolnshire, Cornwall and Jersey.

Product Types offered by this company

Nieuws over dit bedrijf

Albert Bartlett buys Heinz Aunt Bessie potato processing facility in Norfolk
april 08, 2015

Albert Bartlett buys Heinz Aunt Bessie potato processing facility in Norfolk

The Heinz 'Aunt Bessie' potato factory in Norfolk that was scheduled to close this April, will be sold to potato company Albert Bartlett.
International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.
januari 04, 2015

International Potato Sales Albert Bartlett taking off.

The company which owns the Albert Bartlett potato brand has increased its profits by more than 31 per cent in spite of small fall in turnover. The company shows remarkable growth in international sales and 40% growth in its Scotty Brand business.
Harvesting potatoes
juni 16, 2014

Tonnes of Jersey Royal potatoes left to rot in the fields

Tonnes of Jersey Royals are being left to rot in fields - because British supermarkets are importing cheaper potatoes from Europe.
juni 25, 2013

Sainsbury’s supports potato growers through the wettest summer in the UK for 100 years

Sainsbury’s has relaxed the product specification of Scottish potatoes to support farmers through one of the toughest seasons. The run of wet weather this season has left many Scottish farmers with crops of smaller potatoes with increased blemishes.