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Potato Growers of Alberta create new research Chair at University of Lethbridge
Julio 14, 2014

Potato Growers of Alberta and Processors finance new research Chair at University of Lethbridge

Research capacity in Alberta’s potato industry will be significantly enhanced due to a $1 million investment in the University of Lethbridge by the Potato Growers of Alberta and the Potato Processors McCain Foods, ConAgra Lamb Weston and Cavendish Farms
European Snacks Association (ESA)
Julio 03, 2014

Snack companies Amica Chips and ICA Foods limit advertising to kids

Amica Chips and ICA Foods, two major savoury snack companies on the Italian market with a growing international presence, have joined the responsible advertising pledge of the European Snacks Association (ESA).
One Voice Campaign Potato Council gaining momentum
Julio 03, 2014

One Voice Campaign Potato Council gaining momentum

Potato Council’s One Voice campaign is fast gaining momentum, with people from all sectors of industry getting involved and doing whatever they can to help spread positive messages about potatoes.
UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event
Junio 29, 2014

UK: Shropshire potato producers host leading technical event

The West Midlands Potato Day attracted a good crowd of industry visitors on 19 June when potato grower Jonathan Bubb of J.M. Bubb & Sons hosted Potato Council’s technical field day at Lynn South Farm, Newport, Shropshire, where they grow around 400 acres of potatoes.
Perú: Una iniciativa de semillas de ‘fuente abierta’ liberó 36 variedades de 14 cultivos alimenticios
Junio 26, 2014

Perú: Una iniciativa de semillas de ‘fuente abierta’ liberó 36 variedades de 14 cultivos alimenticios

Según los líderes del proyecto, la decisión podría ayudar a los agricultores pobres a tener acceso a semillas de mejor calidad.
UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision
Junio 26, 2014

UK Consumers eat less potatoes, but this is not a conscious decision

In the United Kingdom the value of fresh potato category is growing with a 3.8% rise over the last year, while the volume of fresh potatoes sold has dropped by 8.0%. The Potato Council is figuring out what can be done about it.
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Contenido Patrocinado
Nelson Cox (left) / Jared Balcom (right)
Junio 25, 2014

Washington State Potato Commission Elects New Leadership

The Washington State Potato Commission (WSPC) has elected its new Executive Committee. Nelson Cox was named chair of the commission
Angus King
Junio 16, 2014

President signs into law revisions to the EPA rules supporting Maine Farmers

President Obama signed into law revisions to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules that ease compliance for farms across Maine.
2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner
Junio 10, 2014

Justin Della Zoppa wins 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award

Riverland potato producer Justin Della Zoppa has been named the 2014 Rabobank Potatoes South Australia Industry Award winner.
New PMA website
Mayo 27, 2014

Produce Marketing Association redesigns website

In response to member feedback and as part of its new strategic plan implementation, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) unveiled its redesigned website on Tuesday, May 27.
Mayo 27, 2014

Biosecurity protection a primary focus of Queensland potato forum

Potato growers attending today’s potato research and development (R&D) workshop in the Lockyer Valley in south east Queensland will hear about exotic and endemic biosecurity risks facing their businesses, and the practical steps they can take to protect themselves.
¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?
Mayo 22, 2014

¿Por qué la humilde papa es tan apreciada en Kazajistán?

Los kasajos han adaptado como suyo el tubérculo andino y hoy ocupan el noveno lugar en consumo
Contenido Patrocinado

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You don't HAVE to eat the white potatoes
Mayo 22, 2014

Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Senator Collins' Request to Include Fresh White Potato in WIC Program

Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bipartisan agreement, authored by Senators Susan Collins (R-Me) and Mark Pryor (D-AR), that would allow families using the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program to purchase all fresh, healthy vegetables, including the white potato, which has been excluded from the program.
A potato field (dark green) visible through a fence at Thorpdale, Victoria.
Mayo 21, 2014

Expanding work programs will help ease the burden on Australian growers

Australia’s vegetable and potato industries have backed calls from northern Australian growers for the expansion of the Seasonal Worker Program, to address major labour shortages in horticulture.
Nacho Usual Breakfast, winning recipe USPB contest
Mayo 20, 2014

US Potato Board Announces Winner of Guilt-Free Potato Goodness Recipe Contest

'Nacho Usual Breakfast' is the creative and catchy title of the Grand Prize winning recipe in the US Potato Board's Guilt-Free Potato Goodness consumer recipe contest, selected by 'Hungry Girl' Lisa Lillien.
United States - Mexico trade agreement for fresh potatoes
Mayo 19, 2014

All of Mexico now open for US Potatoes

The National Potato Council (NPC) and the United States Potato Board (USPB) are pleased that effective today, May 19, 2014, the Mexican government has implemented its final rule to allow U.S. fresh potatoes to enter all of Mexico.
Wisconsin Potatoes
Mayo 19, 2014

Potatoes: Working to Put Common Sense Back into the WIC Rules

Did you know that in the United States participants in the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program can buy nutritious potatoes with a voucher at a farmer’s market, but not at their local grocer?
En Gran Canaria crean asociación para alentar a consumir papa e incrementar comercialización de variedades locales
Mayo 16, 2014

En Gran Canaria crean asociación para alentar a consumir papa e incrementar comercialización de variedades locales

La Asociación de Distribuidores de Papas de Gran Canaria (ADIPA), que se presentó oficialmente este viernes (16 de mayo), es una agrupación que tiene como objetivo el de revertir la tendencia actual de consumo y conseguir que el 80% de la papa que se compre en la isla sea de la tierra.


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