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SOP - Società Ortofrutticola Polignanese


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Company Description

The company SOP has its operational headquarter in Polignano a Mare (BA) and deals with the processing and marketing of fruits and vegetables. Founded in 1964, it's based on the experience of the founders and the farmers who cooperate with them.

The main clients are the Italian and European GDO (Germany, England, France, Ireland) and Italian markets and within short they will organize shipments in containers to countries overseas.

The SOP has always been oriented towards European markets and has succeeded over the years to grasp the radical changes that trade has undergone by orienting itself towards the needs and mandatory arrangements of the GDO.

In order to cope with such dynamic needs, sensing the need for targeted inspections of the production sector, the company has founded a controlled supply chain, which includes a variety of agricultural producers.

The total covered surface of the conditioned areas is 7000 sq. meters, where about 150 skilled workers work daily in handling fruit and vegetables.

Product Types offered by this company

News for this Company

Demand is high for new potatoes
June 04, 2019

Demand for new potatoes is high

The potato campaign continues to be quite surprising as demand for new potatoes is also very lively and prices are good.

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SOP - Società Ortofrutticola Polignanese

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