Lamb Weston EMEA formaly known as Lamb Weston / Meijer is one of the larger manufacturer of French Fries and Potato specialties in Europe, with 4 production facilities in the Netherlands (Kruiningen, Oosterbierum, Bergen op Zoom as well as the former Oerlemans production site in Broekhuizenvorst) and one in Wisbech in the United Kingdom (previous Garden Isle plant) and one in Austria (Frisch und Frost).
At the end of FY2016 production capacity of Lamb Weston Meijer was 710,000 tonnes of potato products. Lamb Weston Meijer employs around 1,400 employees (2018). Together with Lamb Weston Holdings Inc., these products are sold under the Lamb Weston brand in more than 110 countries throughout the world. Total annual production capacity of dehydrated potato flakes is reported to be 30.000 tons.
Lamb Weston Meijer is co-owned by Lamb Weston Holdings Inc. and Meijer Beheer B.V., a joint venture formed in 1994. However, in 2022, Lamb Weston acquired all of Meijer Beheer's shares.
This acquisition gave the Lamb Weston company ownership of an additional five manufacturing facilities worldwide, including four in the Netherlands and one in the United Kingdom, as well as a sixth manufacturing facility through a 75% stake in a joint venture in Austria.
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February 25, 2023
Potato Processor Lamb Weston offers UK restaurants recipe suggestions to celebrate the King’s coronation
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